我們時時刻刻關注國內外同行業的發展動態及先進的技術,不斷引進先進的設備開發新產品,同時還吸取國內外企業的先進管理經驗,擁有一批懂管理,懂技術的復 合型人才。目前我公司工程師8名,熟練技術工人達到90%以上,并聘請多位行業專家為技術顧問,豐富的物質資源和人力資源為我公司的發展奠定了良好的基 礎,哪里有市場,就到哪里去是我們的諾諾人的不懈追求,憑借雄厚的實力和技術力量、先進的生產設備、嚴格的檢測手段及中國人民保險公司的鄭重承諾,我們相 信在這嚴峻的市場競爭中有了您們的合作我們會做的更好。
Shanghai the promise hoisting machinery make the limited company beginning to construct at the last century 80's intermediate stages, is the manufacturing each kind of hoisting machinery equipment specialized manufacturer, mainly is engaged in “the Shanghai vulture”, “the square boat” the sign permanent magnetism sucker, the chain block, the spanner bottle gourd, electric hoist, purchase block, single track driving, hoisting machineries and other non-sign hoisting machinery and so on multi-purpose wires draw tongs manufacture, sale, consultation, service.
More than ten for years were indebted the social people from all walks of life to stand like a tripod help one another with the sincere cooperation, the enterprise obtain the rapid development, the product have sold in distant markets each place and export US, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, India, Malaysia, the port, Taiwan and so on more than 20 countries and the area, had the very high prestige in the customer.
We pay attention to the domestic and foreign same professions all the time the development dynamic and the advanced technology, introduces the advanced equipment to develop the new product unceasingly, meanwhile absorbs the domestic and foreign enterprises the advanced managerial experience, has one batch to understand the management, understands the technology multi-skill talented person
“The product quality is higher than all” is our quality policy, “strives for the survival by the quality, depends on the prestige to strive for the development” is our irrevocable management idea, “is highly effective, is fast” provides the product for the user the pre-sale consultation, the design, the transportation, the installment, the service, the maintenance and so on the post-sale service is our customer service policy.